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MAD QUEENS: a game courage, thrills and upset Queens

Video tutorial on youtube

What do you need to play?

You need a standard playing card deck with jokers (54 cards) for each player, plus 1 deck (54 cards), which will be the banned cards deck.


Each player removes the queens (Q) from his/her deck and put them on the side - we will need them later, and shuffle the deck ready to play. Shuffle the banned cards deck, place it in the middle and turn two cards: those cards will be the first 2 banned cards at the begin of the game. Finally, decide who go first. We are ready to play!

Let's play!

Aim of the game

The aim of the game is to have the most number of cards at the end of the game. If you play in 2 or more, the player with the highest number of card wins; if you play solo, you will try to beat your previous score.

Player actions

Reveal a card

Your turn always begin by turning the first card of your deck.

If the value of the card is not banned, you can either turn another card or bank the card(s) you have have shown.

Playing for the thrill

You are free to turn as many cards you want until you reveal a banned one. The more you turn cards, the higher the chances to end your turn without scoring points.

Revealing a banned card

There are always at least 2 banned cards to check when you turn a card from your deck. You always check the value of your revealed card against the banned card. If the values matches, you discard all the revealed cards and your turn ends.


You begin your turn and you turn the first card of your deck, that is 6❤️. Since the 6 is not banned, you decide to turn another card: 2♠️.

Again, 2 is not banned, you feel lucky and decide to turn one more card: 10♣️.

10 is not banned, now you can either bank or turn another card.


You begin your turn and you show the first card of your deck, that is 2❤️.

Since the 2 is not banned, you decide to turn another card: J♠️.

The J is a banned card, you discard both the 2❤️ and J♠️ and your turn end without scoring any point.

Turn a new card from the banned cards deck to replace the J♦️.

After revealing a banned card, turn a new card from the banned cards deck and replace whatever card banned was revealed.

Reveal a Joker

If you reveal a Joker (J) from your deck, you have to turn 2 extra cards from your deck. Once done, check if any of the two cards is banned or it is queen. Resolve those events accordingly.

Otherwise, you are free to bank the revealed card or to turn another card.

Reveal a Queen

If you reveal a Queen (Q) from your deck, you have to discard 2 cards from your banked card plus 1 card per revealed card that match the suite of the Q. Then, discard the Q and show another card from your deck: continue the turn as per normal.

BANNED CARDS: A♠️ J♦️ Your first card revealed is Q♦️. You discard 2 cards from your points, discard the Q and then you have to turn a new card from your card. The card show is a K❤️.

Since the K is not banned, you can decide either to bank or to turn another card.

BANNED CARDS: A♠️ J♦️ Your first card revealed is 2♦️. Since 2 is not banned, you turn another card: 3♠️. 3 is not banned and you feeling lucky and decide to turn another card: unfortunately it is Q♦️.

You discard 2 cards from your points, plus one more card because the suit of the Q is ♦️ and you have revealed the 2♦️; you discard the queen and then you have to turn a new card from your card. The card show is a J❤️.

Since the J is banned, you have to discard all the revealed cards (2♦️, 3♠️, J❤️) and end your turn.

Beware the Queens!

If you cannot pay the amount of card required by the Q, your game is over and you calculate your final score.

Banking cards

Every time you reveal a card from your deck that is not banned, you can decide to bank the cards revealed till now. Every banked card will count as 1 at the end of the game (value of the cards are ignored, it will be a count of cards).

Every time you bank cards, you must put one Q inside the deck (remember we start the game with the Q out of the deck?) and then shuffle it. If all your Q have been already added to your deck, add a temporary banned card in front of you.

Banned Deck

Banned deck it is put in the middle and two cards are turned face down before the beginning of the game.

Banned cards are in common: every player checks their revealed card against the 2 banned value.

If a player show a banned card, replace the banned card with a new one; 2 cards with the same value cannot be shown at the same time. Turn card from the banned cards deck until the 2 banned card have different value.

We don't care about the suit

When checking against the banned card, what does matter is the value of the card.

For instance, if the banned card is 7♠️, every 7 revealed by the players is considered banned.

Queens as banned card

If a Q is shown as banned card, the suit of the Q it is considered banned. For instance, if Q♣️ is revealed, every clubs card turned by the player is considered banned.

Jokers as banned card

If a Joker is shown as banned card, every player reveals 2 cards from the player decks: if at least one of the shown cards matches with the 2 banned cards, that player must bank those cards. Then discard the Joker and turn another card from the banned cards deck.

If a Q is revealed, resolve the Q using the normal rules: the card revealed by the Q effect does not apply to the Joker rules explained above.

Temporary banned cards

If a player that has already shuffled into his/her decks the four Q, that player will draw a card from the banned card deck and place it in fronto of him/her - could turn it 90 degree to better identify it.

Temporary cards apply only to that player and follow the same rule as banned card. Only exception to this is that temporary banned cards are not replaced: they get ALL discarded if a player triggers one of them.

A player can have multiple banned cards at the same time.

End of the game

The player game ends when: - The player cannot pay the effect of the Queens - The player reveals all four Queens from his/her deck (player must pay the effect of the last Q) - The last cards in the player deck are guarantee to be Q (no need to reveal them) - The player deck run of cards

Once all the players have ended their game, it is time to see who is the winner: the player with the highest number of banked cards wins.


Working on it. Open to suggestions :)